Homemade Almond Milk ♥

yes, I'm a sucker for making anything from home IF i have the ingredients ON HAND. i jsut so happen to have almonds..my husband will buy things in HOPES of making something with them..then FORGETS he has them..haha! have we not all done this at some point?

Anyways, here is my version of Homemade Almond Milk♥

Almond Milk 
(i made a double batch since our daughter cant drink regular milk..)
→ **to make a DOUBLE, just double the water and almonds**

 ■ this recipe can ALSO be done overnight. [see below]

► 3 cups [HOT] water
► 1 cup raw almonds
► 2 TBSP Sugar 

 →* i use a cinnamon stick (or ground)too ←*

#1:: [no image]
First..take your Almonds...CHOP THEM before putting into the food processor OR blender...
(or they will just spin around and make lotts of loud noise)

Put CHOPPED Almonds and 3 CUPS Water into Blender OR food Processor; Blend until "smooth"...
about 2-3min.

Put mixture into a strainer OR cheese Cloth..
strain out the liquid. like shown ↓ using a spatula or spoon to help remove liquid.

the MORE you re-run more water and the almonds thru the processor, the MORE milk you will make.
i repeated this process about 3-4 times.

the almonds will get "DRIER" each time you process them and remove the liquid.

here is the finished product :)
i used a wisk to blend together sugar and cinnamon.

 ► using HOT water helped blend the sugar and cinnamon together and also helped get more milk.

#5 Put Milk into Fridge until COLD. (VERRY cold)

*pardon the black spots..thats my iphone camera :/ its been dropped a few times....

to make this OVERNIGHT:
→ combine ALL ingredients into a LARGE bowl OR large POT.
→ leave in fridge overnight...
→ the next day (or whenever), put mixture into blender OR processor, blend; and remove liquid.


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